12-Year Planner: A DIY Scope and Sequence for Peaceful Planning
This compact planning aid will help you create a bird's-eye view of what you plan to cover in your homeschool.
36 pages, 5.5 x 8.5"
12-Year Planner: A DIY Scope and Sequence for Peaceful Planning
The 12-Year Planner provides a place where you can sketch out an overview of what you plan to cover for each school year. It is intended to be a working document, so don’t feel as if you need to fill out the whole thing at once. You will add to and update it throughout the homeschooling years. If you are already partway through the homeschool journey, or if your students have a mix of schooling types, just note what they have already studied and sketch out what needs to be done in the remaining years. Doing this will help you create an overall plan that not only meets requirements, but will also prepare your student for the next stage of life.
Benefits of the 12-Year Planner
- Instructions and a model of a filled-out year help you see what sorts of things to include (and where to begin finding information)
- Compact size keeps you focused on big-picture planning
- Having an overview of what you plan to do helps you take advantage of used book and curriculum sales
- Having a compact, easy to access record of what you've done each year helps you give your younger children the same great experience your older students received
The Peaceful Planning system also includes:
“A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow.”
General George S. Patton
A description of the Peaceful Planning process is available at Everyday Education — you can go straight to it at PeacefulPlanning.net.