Personal Reading Log: 100 Books You Won't Forget
This compact reading log will help you and your students establish the habit of keeping a lifetime reading list. Each booklet holds 100 books, with just enough space for essential information and brief comments.
40 pages, 5.5 x 8.5"
Personal Reading Log: 100 Books You Won't Forget
The Personal Reading Log (it used to be called the Lifetime Reading List) is a simple, compact booklet that can help students establish a habit of creating a lifelong reading log. If you've ever wanted to revisit a book you've read, but can't remember what it was, you need to keep a reading list!
Through a lifetime of reading, I found that it was impossible to keep track of my books without writing down what I read, but it was a hard habit to establish until I stopped trying to find time for detailed book journal entires and settled on an organized, short and sweet format. Having just enough space for essential information plus about three sentences of commentary or review made the record-keeping process feel manageable. And when things feel manageable, they stand a chance of getting done!
Benefits of the Personal Reading Log
- Compact size is quick and easy to update and keeps record-keeping from being overwhelming
- Instructions and two filled-out model pages help students see examples of different comment types
- Having just 100 books per volume provides a reachable goal for beginning or reluctant readers
- The 100-book size gives avid readers an opportunity to establish a consistent habit of concise recording, and makes it easy to find and re-read favorites
- A personal reading log is an excellent supplement to the basic student record
- Each Personal Reading Log has space to record the log number and dates it covers
- There cover options: Monet (water scene), Van Gogh (Starry Nights) or Canaletto (Venice scene) — please note preference, if any, as a note to seller when you place your order.
The Peaceful Planning system also includes:
- 12-Year Planner
- K-8 Student Record
- High School Student Record
- Personal Reading Log: 100 Books to Remember
“I consider as lovers of books not those who keep their books hidden in their store-chests and never handle them,
but those who, by nightly as well as daily use thumb them, batter them, wear them out, who fill out all the margins with annotations of many kinds,
and who prefer the marks of a fault they have erased to a neat copy full of faults.”
Letter to an unidentified friend (1489), as translated in Collected Works of Erasmus (1974), p. 114