TimeFrame Timeline ebook helps students use colored lifelines to record people and events in history so that they can see a century at a glance, and remember who did what when. It's quick and easy — even boys will do it!
Downloadable ebook: 8.5 x 11"
Things to know about TimeFrame Timeline ebook
- Easy to use, no cutting and pasting
- Quick! Less than a minute to record a lifeline
- Encourages active learning
- Century-at-a-glance reveals trends and patterns
- Visual record helps you study for exams
- Great for studying at college, too
- It's a lasting reminder of the scope and focus of your history studies (and a good way to spot gaps)
It's easy!
- Complete how-to instructions included
- Use the included color coding or choose your own
- Spiral bound so that it lays flat
- Opaque 70# paper helps keep lines and text from showing through*
- And as a special bonus, it won't even ruin your decor!
Your personal record
TimeFrame Timeline ebook is not a "done-for-you" timeline. Instead, it's designed to be your personal record of what and whom you've studied. For example, if you're studying a period of history, record the lifelines of all the people who interest you. For me, the Medieval and Renaissance eras are intensely interesting, so my personal timeline has more people on those pages than anywhere. In addition, my lifelines focus on people in literature, theology, and the arts, plus amazing women and a few of my ancestors.Sample pages from the Timeline: Here is a one-century, two-page spread. Shrinking it to fit on one page makes it hard to read, but at least it will give you an idea of how it works.

This is a boy-created sample (not as neat as I would have liked), so it's probably closer to reality than my neat and tidy one!
*If you purchase the e-book, be sure to print it on paper that's a bit heavier than average. It helps to avoid show-through and makes the timeline more durable.
Is the TimeFrame Timeline like the Charlotte Mason Book of Centuries?
I created TimeFrame before I ever saw Miss Mason's Book of Centuries, so there are some differences. Because I was working with boys, and because they were middle grades and up when the design was finalized, TimeFrame had to be simple and quick. Seeing how people's lives overlapped was much more important to us than drawing pictures for each century, though I do appreciate the reasons for drawing. Many people who use Charlotte Mason's teaching methods have told me that they find TimeFrame to be a good alternative to a Book of Centuries.
Letter to moms
Dear busy moms:
I know that some of you are probably thinking, "I could make that from scratch!" Frankly, that's what I think about pretty much everything.
The challenge is — will you? And if so, when;-)? It isn't easy to find time for everything, and frankly, creating a timeline from scratch is probably pretty far down on your list.
I know that there are projects I meant to do for my boys, and somehow, it just never happened. They missed out on whatever it was I wanted to teach. It might be that way in your home, too, and that's why I wanted to create the blank TimeFrame book for you. All you have to do is hand it to them and let them go. What could be simpler?
The TimeFrame Timeline ebook is straightforward, simple, and yes, it’s even fun. I think you'll be happy you chose it.